Their Legacy Lives On
Dear Friend and Longtime Supporter
Our History
From humble beginnings ...
Camp Friendship (CF) began in 1973 as a committee of concerned neighbors working to raise funds to send children in need to summer camp. CF has evolved into a distinguished and vital community institution.
Exploring new vistas...
The programs that CF currently offers have developed from the organization's mission to anticipate and provide for young people's needs as they face the challenges of growing into adulthood within an urban community, in a rapidly changing world. This has meant an increased role as a "surrogate parenting network," supporting working parents by providing their children with quality educational and recreational programs. CF challenges young people to expect excellence from themselves in every aspect of their lives, while reinforcing their role as important members of an extended community.
CF recognized early on that sending young people to summer camp was not enough to make lasting improvements in their quality of life. To address this issue, in 1976, CF began its first after school program, initially as recreational activities designed to build character through team sports. In 1980, CF assessed its young peoples’ need for academic support and began its after school tutoring, homework help and academic advocacy programs.
A new standard in community service emerges...
In 1985, after a long period of renting whatever community spaces were available, CF was able to purchase and renovate its current site at 339 – 8th Street in Park Slope. At the same time, CF faced its greatest challenge: that its ability to meet the expanding needs of its constituency could no longer be met by staff alone. CF reached out to its young peoples' parents and other concerned community members and made a call for volunteers.
Today, many of CF's after school educational and recreational programs are supported, as a whole or in part, by trained parents, youth and community volunteers; please consider joining this dedicated group of individuals! CF has grown into an institution that truly reflects the collective efforts of an entire community cooperating to serve the needs of its young people.
A Community Organization for the Future
Camp Friendship continues to respond to the needs of the community. The Covid-19 pandemic provided a new set of challenges for people in NYC, and new set of opportunities for CF. CF volunteers quickly sprang into action creating the Camp Friendship Food Pantry. It has grown to become a weekly food pantry servicing hundreds of our neighbors and delivering meals to seniors across the borough. The post-pandemic future is bright for Camp Friendship as it re-establishes itself as a valued community organization in a changing world.
To all those who have supported our youth programs in the past and to all who continue to support our programs through volunteering and donations -- -- the children served, and our Board of Directors, gratefully offer their thanks.